Abstract : ABSTRACT
Standardization plays a significant role in the production of phytopharmaceutical of standard quality as the quality standards are based on proper selection of raw materials. Desmodium gangeticum (DC) commonly known as salpan, salvan and sarivan belonging to family-Fabaceae. In India, Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. Has a considerable reputation as a bitter tonic, febrifuge, digestive, anti-emetic, antipyretic and anti-catarrhal. It is also widely used in Ayurveda for the treatment of neurological disorders. Present investigation includes examination of morphological and microscopic characters, ash value, extractive values and Phytochemical evaluations including qualitative chemical examination of active constituents were carried out along with radical scavenging activity.
Keywords: Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC, Phytochemical, Phyto constituent, Pharmacognostic, Antioxidant.
Keyword : Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC, Phytochemical, Phyto constituent, Pharmacognostic, Antioxidant.