Abstract : Tecomaria Capensis belonging to the family Bignoniaceae is an evergreen climber. The aim of this research is to explore the anti-anthritic potential of this selected plant material. Ethanol and ethyl acetate successive crude extract of its leaves were subjected for in vitro anti-arthritic activity using inhibition of protein denaturation method. The successive ethanol extract have shown significant anti-arthritic activity by inhibition of protein denaturation with 62.67% and 82.5% of inhibition of protein denaturation respectively at the concentration of 100 and 250 µg/ml. Ethyl acetate extract have also the activity but less than that of ethanolic extract. All the concentrations prepared were paving dose dependent anti-arthritic activity.
Keyword : Tecomaria Capensis leaves, Ethanolic extract; Bovine serum denaturation method, Anti-arthritic activity.