Abstract : Tension headache is the most common type of chronic recurring head pain. Tension-type headaches are common, with lifetime prevalence in the general population ranging 30% to 78% in different studies. Being an alarming problem, it needs effective and safe treatment. The symptomatology of tension headache is quiet resembling with Vatika Shirahshoola. Vata is dominant amongst rest of Doshas and Shoola can never been without its involvement. One of the Panchakarma, the Nasyakarma is considered the best and the most specific procedure for disease of Shirogata rogas. According to Ayurveda, the nose is the gate way to Shirah. So, diseases of Shirah can be cured by systemically performed Nasyakarma. Taila is best drug for Vata Dosha and Pathyadi Kwatha is also known drug for Shirahsoola. Keeping all this in mind the present study had planned to evaluate the efficacy of Rasnadi Taila Nasya and Pathyadi Kwatha orally in Vatika Shirahshoola. Rasnadi Taila Nasya has improved Vatika Shirahshoola significantly in comparison to Pathyadi Kwatha orally.
Keyword : Vatika Shirahshoola, Tension headache, Nasyakarma, Shirah.