Abstract : Menopause is defined as the permanent cessation of menses due to the loss of ovarian follicular activity. It is confirmed by the absence of menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months, without any other obvious pathology. The menopause is characterized by various psychological, somatic, urogenital symptoms which affects the quality of life of the menopausal women. As the life expectancy of women is increasing world-wide so that women had to spend almost 1/3rd of their life in the post-menopausal period. Hence there is a world-wide initiative to reduce the menopausal suffering for that a proper understanding of these symptoms especially the somatic symptoms in terms of Ayurveda is essential. It is observed somato-vegetative symptoms like hot flushes; sleep discomfort, palpitation and joint and muscular discomfort are due to the Vṛddhi of vata associated with pitta and also due to the kṣaya of kapha doṣa’s along with ksheena of Dhātu’s leads to rajonivṛtti janya vyādhi.
Keywords: Menopause, Rajonivṛtti, MRS, somato- vegetative symptoms.
Keyword : Menopause, Rajonivṛtti, MRS, somato- vegetative symptoms.